Coming up in 2024-2025 for our 52nd season:

The Soul Cries Out -
Celebrating the African American Spiritual

Sunday, October 20 at 4:00pm
Our Lady of Mount Carmel Catholic Church, Doylestown
with special guest soloist Ruth Naomi Floyd
and the Pine Forge Academy Choir,
Jarrett Roseborough, director

Annual Festival of Christmas Music
A revival of Thomas Lloyd’s popular cantata
As Well for the Poore as the Peere
Saturday, December 14 at 7:30pm
Sunday, December 15 at 4:00pm
Our Lady of Mount Carmel Catholic Church, Doylestown
with the Fairmount Brass Quintet
the Treble Choir of the Princeton Boychoir,
Adam Good, director
and Timothy Urban, hurdy-gurdy (mechanical violin)

Our annual choral-orchestral concert:
Carl Orff - Carmina Burana
Moira Smiley - selections from 
The Rhizome Project
Sunday, April 6, 2025 at 4:00pm
Newtown Middle School Auditorium, Newtown
with the Council Rock North and South combined choirs
Heather Brewer and Corey Axler, directors
Kayla Harriott, soprano
Brian Major, baritone
and featuring Chris Newcomer as the Dying Swan
Symphony in C

Our season finale:
Leonard Bernstein - From Broadway to Lincoln Center

Sunday, June 1, 2025 at 4:00pm
featuring 2024 Voices of the Future soloists
venue and guest soloists tba 

Stay tuned for details to come!

Thank you for supporting
the Bucks County Choral Society!